Date: August 2nd (evening) - 4th (noon), 2013.
Venue: Okazaki Conference Center, and UVSOR Facility, Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Address: Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, Japan
This workshop provides an opportunity to discuss new results and ideas
in order to further improve the field of spectroscopy on correlated solids
and thin films. In particular, the workshop will enable discussion in the
following research areas:
(i) rare-earth and transition metal oxides, (ii) heavy fermion systems, (iii) molecular solids, and (iv) topological insulators.
Novel technical aspects including new synchrotron beamlines are also involved.
Scientific Topics
1. Photoemission spectroscopy of correlated materials using synchrotron
radiation and advanced light souces.
2. Related spectroscopic research of low-energy electronic structure and
3. Spectroscopy of newly developed correlated thin films.
4. Novel instruments for spectroscopy of solids using synchrotron radiation.
Submission of Abstracts (Deadline: June 21, 2013) Closed.
(Deadline: July 31, 2013, w/o financial support)
Program (updated at July 23, 2013)
Invited Speakers (updated at June 23, 2013) |
Important Date
Presentation submission deadline: June 21, 2013.
Request for finacial support deadline: June 21, 2013.
Post deadline poster submission deadline: July 10, 2013.
- Registration deadline: July 31, 2013,
w/o financial support.
- Workshop: August 2 - 4, 2013.
Contact persons:
Hidetoshi MIYAZAKI [miyazaki(at)nitech.ac.jp]
Shin-ichi KIMURA [kimura(at)ims.ac.jp]
Okazaki fireworks festival

Campus Map
Visitors' information
Organizers: Prof. Hidetoshi Miyazaki (Nagoya Inst. Tech.), Prof. Takahiro Ito (Nagoya Univ.), Prof. Masaharu Matsunami (UVSOR), and Prof. Shin-ichi Kimura (Osaka Univ. and UVSOR).
Hosts |
Cosponsor |