UVSOR Lunch Seminar (2002-01)

日時:5月22日(水曜日)12:00〜12:35(talk:30min + discussion:5min)

講演者:Dr. Joerg Sichelschmidt
所属;Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden,

題目:Optical conductivity of the clathrate compound Ba6Ge25


Abstract: On the search for small-gap semiconductors/semimetals (Kondo
Insulators: KI) the new clathrate compound Ba6Ge25 may be considered as
a reference compound for a potential KI when the Ba atoms are
substituted by suitable rare earth elements with an unstable 4f shell.
Ba6Ge25 is a system with a relatively low charge carrier density which
undergoes a structural phase change near Ts=200K and gets
superconducting at about Tc=0.24K . The cubic structure consists of
large cages of germanium which encapsulate the Ba atoms. Some of the Ba
atoms anharmonically vibrate and are locked into split positions below
Ts. This behavior crucially effects the superconducting phase transition
and the properties of the charge carriers which propagate within the
framework of cages. Optical investigations of the electronic properties
of Ba6Ge25 result reflectivity spectra which are typical for systems
with low charge carrier densities. When lowering the temperature across
Ts the low energy Drude type of reflectivity is characterized by a step-
like enhancement of the effective carrier mass and an almost temperature
independent relaxation time. This behavior could indicate a formation of
polaronic quasiparticles below Ts. A reduction of a purely electronic
type of conduction is also indicated by a spectral weight transfer from
low energies to a peak at around 1 eV concomitant with the enhancement
of the effective carrier mass.