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UVSOR Proposal Application

Call for UVSOR Research Proposals for FY2024 (2nd Half)– Now Open – Deadline is June 14 (JST).

Applications to use UVSOR are accepted twice a year (usually by mid-June and mid-December). For details, please refer to the Application Guidelines".
Depending on the beamline, applications may be submitted for the entire year, for the first half of the year, for the second half of the year.  Before submitting an application, you are required to have discussion about the compatibility of the experimental station with your research project, the feasibility of your experiment, and the experimental method and use of existing equipment. Please contact the beamline scientist in charge of the beamline you wish to use. (Click here for a list of contact persons.)"

Proposals will be peer reviewed according to the review criteria ((1) Scientific value (2) Degree of expectation to produce results (3) Necessity of UVSOR use).

Applications are submitted via the website NOUS ( Please follow the instructions below. If you have any problems, please contact the UVSOR office ( or the beamline scientist.