Synchrotron radiation beamlines and end stations
[ constructed by our group ]
Extremely-high-resolution VUV angle-resolved photoemission beamline BL7U
at UVSOR-II [FY2006]
- APPLE-II type undulator (NEOMAX)
- Wadsworth type VUV monochromator (TOYAMA)
- Photoelectron analyzer (MBS A-1)
- LHe-cooled 6-axes sample manipulator (R-dec iGONIO)
Infrared/terahertz spectro-microscopy beamline BL6B at UVSOR-II [FY2004]
- FT-IR (Bruker IFS66v/S, wavenumber: 40 - 12000 cm-1, resolution: 0.1cm-1)
- FT-FIR (JASCO FARIS-1, wavenumber: 5 - 250 cm-1, resolution: 0.25 cm-1)
- Terahertz microscope (BUNKOKEIKI) [FY2005]
- Reflection - absorption chamber
- Si bolometer (Infrared Laboratory, 2 sets, < 600 cm-1)
- InSb hot-electron bolometer (QMC, < 55 cm-1) [FY2005]
High-resolution photoemission beamline BL5U at UVSOR-II [FY2003]
- Helical/linear undulator [FY1995]
- SGM-TRAIN monochromator [FY1995]
- Photoelectron analyzer (MBS+Toyama A-1) [FY2003]
Infrared Materials Science beamline BL43IR at SPring-8 [FY1999]
- LHe-free 14-T magnet (Cryogenic)
- Reflection-type IR microscope (BUNKOKEIKI)
- LHe-flow cryostat (JANIS)
Infrared magneto-optical apparatus at BL6A1, UVSOR [FY1996]
- Optical superconducting magnet (6T/8T, Oxford SM-1000)
Optical experimental apparatus in laboratories |
Ultraviolet and x-ray photoemision spectroscopy with molecular beam epitaxy
- Photoelectron analyzer (SES100, VG Scienta) [FY2006] doc 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- He discharge lamp+monochromator
(VUV5000 + VUV5040, GAMMA-DATA Scienta) [FY2002]
- X-ray source (XR-50, SPECS) [FY2008]
doc 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- LHe-flow cryostat (ST-400, JANIS) [FY2007]
- Molecular beam epitaxy (EW-3, EIKO) [FY2002]
- LEED/AES (ErLEED 150, SPECS) [FY2003]
doc 1, 2, 3, 4
Inverse photoemision spectroscopy at low tmperatures [FY2011] doc 1
- BIS (IPES, PSP Vacuum Technology) [FY2011]
- Closed-cycle He cryostat (IWATANI M-310, T: 8 - 350K) [FY2008]
Infrared reflectivity spectroscopy at low temperatures [FY2010]
- FTIR (JASCO FTIR6100, hv: 5meV - 1.5eV) [FY2010]
- Closed-cycle He cryostat (IWATANI M-310, T: 8 - 350K) [FY1999]
- MCT detector [FY1999]
- Si bolometer [FY1999]
Terahertz reflection spectroscopy at extremely low temperatures [FY2004]
- FT-FIR (JASCO FARIS-1, hv = 2--50meV) [FY2004]
- LHe-flow cryostat (Oxford Optistat, T > 4 K) [FY2008]
- Si bolometer [FY2007]
- 3He cryostat (Oxford HelioxAC-V, T: 0.4 - 10 K, for FARIS-1) [FY2006]
Infrared spectroscopy under pressures [FY2007]
- FTIR (JASCO FTIR610) [FY1999]
- IR microscope (BUNKOKEIKI) [FY2000]
- Membrane-type daimond anvil cell + cryostat (DiaCell OptiDAC-LT) [FY2006]
- Diamond anvil cell for optical use (Toyoshima Factory, Clamp-type, two sets) [FY2001, FY2003]
- Cryostat for optical microscope (Oxford MicrostatHe) [FY2002]
- MCT detector [FY2001]
Raman spectroscopy [FY2000]
- Raman spectrometer (JASCO RMP-200, lambda: 532 nm,Raman shift: 100 - 7500
cm-1) [FY2000]
Visible spectroscopy (Shimadzu SPG-120, hv: 1.3 - 6.0eV) [FY1999]
Molecular beam epitaxy [FY2008]
- Molecular beam epitaxy apparatus with 4 K-cells and 4 E-guns [FY2008]
Others |
Laue camera [FY????]
Muffle furnace [FY2005]
Optical microscope [FY2000]
Ultrasonic cleaner [FY1999]
Vacuum evapolator (resistive heating) [FY1999]
Vacuum glove box for sample preparation [FY1999]
Electron beam evalorator [FY1993]
Stereoscopic microscope [FY1992]
Superconducting magnet for optical use (Max. field: 5 T) [FY1990]