
Beamlines List

BL7B  3 m Normal-Incidence Monochromator for Solid-State Spectroscopy

  BL7B has been constructed to provide sufficiently high resolution for conventional solid-state spectroscopy, sufficient intensity for luminescence measurements, wide wavelength coverage for Kramers–Kronig analyses, and minimum deformation to the polarization characteristic of incident synchrotron radiation. This beamline consists of a 3-m normal incidence monochromator, which covers the vacuum ultraviolet, ultraviolet, visible, and infrared, i.e., the wavelength region of 50–1000 nm, with three gratings (1200, 600, and 300 l/mm). Two interchangeable refocusing mirrors provide two different focusing positions. For the mirror with the longer focal length, an LiF or a MgF2 window valve can be installed between the end valve of the beamline and the focusing position. Figure 1 shows the absolute photon intensity for each grating with the entrance and exit slit openings of 0.5 mm. A silicon photodiode (AXUV-100, IRD Inc.) was utilized to measure the photon intensity and the absolute photon flux was estimated, taking the quantum efficiency of the photodiode into account.

fig1   bl7b 

Fig. 1. Throughput spectra of BL7B measured using a silicon photodiode.   Fig. 2. Photo of BL7B.


Technical Data

Monochromator 3 m Normal-Incidence Monochromator
Wavelength Range 1.2-25 eV (50-1000 nm)
Resolution E / ΔE = 4000-8000 for 0.01 mm slits
Experiments Absorption, reflection, and fluorescence spectroscopy, mainly for solids

